On the basis of oceanographic data of the series expeditions, conducted in the Kerch Strait by the Marine Hydrophysical Institute and the Southern Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, the regularities of structure fields of the total suspended mate and die dissolved organic mater content in the regions of the dumping zones are identified. It is shown that over of the dumping zones the concentration of considered substances from one and a half to three times higher dian their background content, and vertical stratification is characterized by complex no monotonous profiles with intrusion signs. Due to the low density' of the top layer of soil in the dumping areas process of bottom w aters resuspension is more intense. Dissolved organics in the water at the sites of ground dumps actively sorbed by the excess suspension and settles to the bottom, forming the bottom layer malicious silt water. It is revealed diat die current and closed dumping zones represent not only die pockets of environmental danger they are also not favourable in the navigation plan.
total suspended mater , dissolved organic mater , dumping zones , Kerch Strait
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