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Abstract (English):
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that today, in the Russian scientific and network space there are no publications on the impact of shipboard power plants (SPP) in the waters of specially protected natural areas located on the Black Sea coast. The topic of the impact of the SPP on the protected areas of the protected areas is actively considered, mainly for the northern territories of the Russian Federation. And for specially protected natural areas that include part of the Black Sea area, such studies do not exist today. The purpose of the study of this article is due to the stated problem - to identify the relationship between unorganized tourism in the lagoon zone, which is part of the Big Utrish reserve, and the impact of power plants of small passenger ships on the water area of the Utrish State Nature Reserve. The main research methods are observation, a cartographic analysis of the Utrish boundaries, a comparative analysis of the status of the reserve and the status of the reserve. The main result is that, based on the results of the study, a direct relationship between the presence and distribution of unorganized tourism in the lagoon area and the demand for transfer of small passenger ships in the immediate vicinity of the borders of the Utrish reserve has been identified and substantiated. In accordance with the result obtained, it can be concluded that the existing active transfer of vessels equipped with an SPP creates conditions for the latter to adversely affect the water area of the Utrish reserve.

specially protected natural areas , water area , Utrish State Nature Reserve , ship power plants , small-size passenger ships , unorganized tourism , lagoons , «sea corridor» , reserve borders
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