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Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the problem of accidental environmental pollution management during the operation of water transport objects. The most common example of such type of pollution is an spill of oil or petroleum products. The solution to the problem of environmental protection in case of emergency oil spills is character- ized by the presence of certain experience. However, this experience is more relevant to the elimination of spills. At the same time, as shown in the work, effective protection against accidental environmental pollution, including in case of oil spills, is provided by regulating accidental pollution. In the article the components of the process of regulation of accidental environmental pollution are formed. It is proposed to characterize the pollution of the environment using the risk parameter. The application of the concept of risk as a parameter that characterizes both the probability of accidental spills and severity of such spills, which is characterized by the amount of oil entering the environment, is justified. This understanding of the risk parameter of accidental pollution allowed the authors to form the main directions of the organization of activities to protect the environment from the pollution. It is shown that the main directions of protective measures are measures to prevent the occurrence of an emergency spill and measures to eliminate it. The formation of a set of protective measures is based on the analysis of the possible risk of pollution for the technical object under study. The paper describes the algorithm of such analysis. The typification of all technical devices that are used to move oil on the investigated technical object is proposed, which allows to unify protective measures and effectively apply them. A General approach to the establishment of acceptable values of the probability of accidental pollution and its severity is formulated, as well as their boundaries are defined.

accidental pollution, regulation, risk, probability , damage, risk assessment algorithm, preventive protection, active protection
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