In the telecommunications scientific, technological and business environment in recent years, there is a discussion about the role of radio-relay (RR) connection in the data transmission system. Necessity RRLS due to optimum economic performance, ease of deployment and scalability convenience. Necessity RRLS due to optimum economic performance, ease of deployment and scalability convenience. Most of the corporate and government communications deployed using RRL or are composed of sections of RRL, due to the cost-effective performance organized lines, high speed of construction, ease of scaling radio relay networks and the ability to deploy in areas with difficult terrain. The article deals with the advantages and application examples of microwave transmission equipment. The deployment of all kinds of wireless communication systems involves a large number of decision related organizational and technological problems. During the construction of these systems the number of problems and challenges increase significantly in the mountainous terrain. This causes a large number of different requirements for the equipment used for the deployment of a wireless network. Carried out the deployment of communication analysis in remote and / or mountainous areas, where the use of wire lines is a task or labor costs technically or economically unjustified.
radio relay communications, microwave links, multichannel communications, modulation bandwidth, highlands
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