Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the actual reliability of scraper conveyors that are part of the main technological equipment of the port grain transshipment complex of foreign production, which has a number of design features in comparison with the classical performance of machines of similar purpose of domestic production. To analyze the actual reliability of scraper conveyors and develop measures to improve it, researchers primarily collected and studied information about failures in service conditions. In the process of qualitative analysis, all the material available in the logs of technical service was used. For clarity, the presentation of the collected material is a scheme Ishikawa, where as a "simple element" are the functional components of the equipment. Preliminary qualitative analysis of scraper conveyor failures allows to build a Pareto diagram and to identify "weak links" among "simple elements" of the equipment, which makes it possible to more closely relate to such elements during operation and recommend the use of various methods of non-destructive control. This will allow you to track the speed of development failures, to install the time astuple-of "limit state" and translate the item in question on maintenance according to actual technical condition.

scraper conveyor, port transshipment complex, reliability, failures, nondestructive testing
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