Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A review of measures aimed at reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides by marine diesel engines by adjusting their adjustment parameters is performed. It is shown that one of these parameters that allows you to quickly solve the problem of operational control of the concentration of nitrogen oxides emitted by marine engines is the angle of advance of fuel injection. In many publications, it is this angle that is considered as the main adjustable parameter, with which it is possible to control the value of specific emissions of nitrogen oxides from the exhaust gases of marine diesel engines. Using the experimental design method and the results of experiments carried out in a ship, a mathematical model was obtained to evaluate the effect of the load and the timing of the fuel injection on the specific emissions of nitrogen oxides with exhaust gases from the main engines of the 6S90MC-C model manufactured by MAN Diesel & Turbo. The adequacy of the proposed mathematical model to the results of the experiment was verified by Fisher's criterion. Given that the mathematical model adequately describes the results of the experiment by the Fisher criterion, it is concluded that it can be used to assess the effect on the specific emissions of nitric oxide in the exhaust gases of the load and the fuel injection timing of the main engines of the company model 6S90MC-C manufactured by the company "MAN Diesel & Turbo". This model allows us to solve the problem of optimizing the value of the lead angle of fuel injection depending on the load and operational condition of the marine diesel engine in order to reduce specific emissions of nitrogen oxides to the values normalized by regulation 13 Nitrogen oxides of Annex VI of MARPOL Convention 73/78.

Marine diesel engines, specific emissions of nitrogen oxides, load, lead angle of fuel injection, experimental design, mathematical model
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