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Abstract (English):
On the basis of expedition data, organized by the Russian geographical society (Sevastopol) in November of the year 2018, the structure of the fields of temperature, salinity, content of the total suspended matter (TSM), content of the dissolved organic matter (DOM), and the concentrations of dissolved petroleum (DP) in Streletskaya Bay are analyzed. The sources of pollution considered areas and the plots of contaminants accumulation are identified. The degree of pollution of the Bay of excess toxic total suspended matter, of dissolved organic matter of artificial origin and dissolved petroleum is evaluated. It is shown that the vertical thermohaline structure in the Streletskaya bay was formed by the processes of co-operation of waters with subzero salinity and temperature, which were in her shallow sites, with the salt and relatively warm waters of the bay mouth. Easier upper layer assisted to forming of the steady density stratification that prevented to the convective exchange. As a result on the prevailing part of the investigated aquatorium the brightly expressed thermal inversion was formed. The horizontal structure of the thermohaline field was characterized by the presence of the clearly expressed frontal sections between waters of the shallow sites and waters of the bay mouth. The three sources of waters pollution of the considered aquatorium are educed. First is the fishing cooperative store of "Prichal-75", located in shallow sites of the bay. Next source is presented by the stands of ships at the east and western banks in the middle part of the bay. And then source is connected with collector of effluents. It located in the north-western side of the bay.

temperature, salinity, pollution, TSM, DOM, DP, Streletskaya Bay, Crimea
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