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Abstract (English):
At present natural gas is widely used all over the world as an effective source of energy. The delivery of gas to the consumers is carried out either through gas pipeline system or by using the technology of liquefying gas and transporting it in specialized liquefied natural gas tankers (LNG-carriers). The competitiveness of LNG deliveries greatly depends upon numerous political and economic factors, as well as the condition of the demand and supply at the international energy source market. In this respect the important role belongs to the quality of the means used for LNG transportation and especially to reliability and economic effectiveness of the marine power plants installed on gas-carriers. The modem world’s political situation sets specific requirements to the Russian business community involved into gas transportation for equipment of LNG-carriers. The majority of marine Diesel power plants employed nowadays on board ships are of foreign manufacturers. At present in Russia there is no production of powerful marine engines capable of operating both on evaporating the gas from the tanks of LNG and on diesel fuel oil. The supplies of foreign-made diesel engines for Russian LNG-carriers may be risky enough due to the possible imposition of sanctions and risky political conjuncture. The authors suggest employing of Russian made steam-gas installations as the main propulsion units on LNG-carriers. The article describes the undeniable advantages of the steam-gas installation compared to steam turbine installations, Diesel engines or gas turbines as the main propulsion units for LNG-carriers. The efficiency of these installations may reach as much as 50-55%, which is demonstrated by the numerous examples of calculations given in the article. The most important thing is that many problems connected with import substitution and applying breakthrough technologies in developing of maim propulsion units for the LNG-carriers.

liquefied natural gas (LNG), the ways and means of gas delivery, gas tankers (gas-carriers), Northern Sea Way, marine power plant, steam turbine installation, Diesel engine installation, gas turbine installation, steam-gas power plant, the efficiency of the plant, competitiveness, import substitution
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