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Abstract (English):
In this article the question of determination of optimum terms of carrying out maintenance of sea, port electric equipment is considered. Operation of marine, port electrical equipment in the long term requires compliance with the established rules, as well as periodic maintenance to prevent the development of damage from both bedding and sudden, destabilizing factors. To solve this problem, data are used to maintain the sea port power line in working order, the period of withdrawal for preventive maintenance is estimated. A seaport is not a collection of isolated technical objects, but a complex of interacting technical devices, including technological processes, mobile equipment and people, bringing all this into purposeful interaction. This involves the introduction of such a reality as the technosphere, which represents the relationship in a single purposeful whole of the environment, technology and man. When addressing the reliability of electrical marine equipment ports it is necessary to consider that electrical components and serving them, people get involved in the production network, forming technosphere region. When analyzing the performance of such an object, there is not only the task of finding patterns of fimctioning of such an organized network, but also it is necessary to take into account possible violations of the production process. In the General analysis of equipment performance requires not only an assessment of the degree of organization of the production process, but the possible human behavior in these conditions. In this regard, it can be concluded that in order to ensure the required reliability of electrical equipment in the seaport, which is a technosphere environment, it is necessary to develop a theoretically sound approach to solving this problem. This work provides for linking equipment and people into a single whole, as well as possible violations of the production process and reducing the reliability of the equipment.

reliability of electrical equipment, maintenance, working condition of the power line, preventive maintenance
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