Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Modem port and water trunk infrastructures rely on large volumes of dynamic data and communications. Large volumes of heterogeneous data are being updated: navigation, weather, logistics, etc. Such heterogeneity of databases requires the use of technological (methodological) tools for processing data in heterogeneous databases. In this work, Big Data technology was selected for this, which allows updating data taking into account their types, states and structures, analyzing hidden connections of data streams, and identifying transport objects. Big Data Technologies is a toolkit that focuses on an effective response, taking into account the variety of factors that accompany the solution of current navigation problems. The analysis of decision-making opportunities (in port, during movement) using Big Models using digital data, data mining using Data Mining, and others. The use of Big Data in maritime transport as part of the ERA-GLONASS-Platon all-Russian transport surveillance system and paradigms of the digital infrastructure of the economy. Navigation services receive and analyze solutions using digital models, intelligent systems and real-life situations (number of ships, their speed, routes, etc.). In the work, a systematic analysis of the use of Big Data in navigation, maritime logistics, taking into account the characteristics of the stream of ships, was done. The basic components of the Big Data methodology are highlighted.

shipping, big data, system analysis, data, infrastructure
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