Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents the parameters of the known and promising means of operational monitoring of marine diesel bearings. Due to a substantial increase of pressure in the cylinder of diesel engines working conditions under-lipnikov tightened, which requires a continuous temperature control. The control technique is based on the transformation of the temperature sensor signal into the frequency signal of the mobile electronic unit. This signal is transmitted by means of a transformer connection to a stationary unit and then processed. The kinematic, structural and structural scheme of one of the first variants of such a device called BUKT-K, designed for two control points, is considered. It is noted that almost identical in design, structure and parameters of the bearing temperature control system offered by Kongsberg, Norway, under the brand name “GB10”. A promising means of monitoring the bearing temperature is the SENTRY GB100 system. It uses the technology of surface acoustic waves, has a simple design, its sensor does not require energy for operation, is not subject to wear and aging. The Thermocont system developed by the author has the greatest possibilities for monitoring. In comparison with others, it provides temperature control at several points, in the range up to 600 °C, with a sinfulness of not more than ±0,16%. For specialists in the field of automation and diagnostics of marine diesel engines.

diesel marine, bearings, temperature monitoring, methodology, thermistors, surface acoustic wave, thermocouple
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