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Abstract (English):
Economic efficiency of using solar panels for the impressed current cathodic protection of offshore structures with various direct current sources was compared with the sacrificialanode cathodic protection. Such an analysis was based on the example of calculating the electrochemical protection of a sheet pile wall with a surface area of 2000 m2 with an estimate of the cost of impressed currentcathodic protection powered by a rectifier device, powered by solar panels with batteries, powered by solar panels without batteries and sacrificialanode cathodic protection. The results showed that the cost of impressed currentcathodic protection powered by solar panels without batteries is the lowest after 10 years of operation. Cathodic protection powered only by solar panels without the use of batteries is most beneficial in cold climates, when battery life is reduced, and for facilities that are remote from centralized power sources, where the power supplying cost to the protected structure is difficult to estimate due to specific situations.

cathodic protection, corrosion, current density, solar panel, galvanostatic mode, calcareous deposits, protective coating, seawater
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