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Abstract (English):
The article deals with the issues of training and certification of boat masters with the right to operate a ship's power plant (SEU). We made a retrospective analysis of training and certification of navigators and navigators-mechanics since the release of the order of the MMF of the USSR from 29.12.1983, № 276 "On approval of Provisions on ranks of officers of seagoing vessels and rules for issuing diplomas and qualification certificates for the grades officers and ratings of ships" before the release of order of Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation dated 15.03.2012 № 62 "On approval of the Regulations on certification of crew members of seagoing vessels." According to the results of the analysis, proposals on the issues of certification of boat masters, boat masters with the right to operate SEU are given. The rationale in developing the certification of skippers with the right to life SEU with the outside areas of coastal navigation in the light of trends in shipbuilding and operation of a fully Autonomous (unmanned) cargo ships, including the possibility of creating an unmanned tug-towing tug, and their exercise of port towing operations for different purposes and in different ways in the cramped conditions of the port waters and the approaches to them. The field of research is: organization of the system of operation of transport sea vessels and management of transport process both in the open sea, and at passage by vessels of Straits, narrowness’s and performance of conditions of navigation in seaports; features of operation and management of port tugs.

mooring of vessels, automation, port, navigation and management of a transport vessel, management of a port tug-tug when performing auxiliary tug operations in the port
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