Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Hie paper discusses the results of studies of the grinding process taking into account the quality assessment of parts under disturbing vibration effects on the equipment of external forces, resulting from sea waves, as well as neighboring operating equipment in the conditions of a floating workshop. Hie goal is to develop practical recommendations for improving the quality of grinding parts in floating workshops based on the test results of new vibration-isolating devices.The studies are based on modeling the interaction of the tool and the workpiece in floating workshops as a dynamic system with complex vibration effects, as well as shock effects from external equipment and sea waves through the floating base and deck surface. The expediency of using the new vibration-proof system of the machine to ensure the quality of grinding based on the creation of structures of effective vibration-isolating supports and devices has been continiiedro.

floating workshop, grinding machine, grinding process, quality of processing, surface roughness, waviness, vibration isolating support
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