This article provides an analysis of floating regasification units (FSRU) for liquefied natural gas (LNG) operation. The current state of the industry reviewed. The comparison of floating storage regasification units and liquefied natural gas storage terminals carried out, their advantages and disadvantages are considered. Phenomenon such as Rollover (mixing of LNG layers with a rapid excessive pressure increase in the tank), its essence, reasons, premises and stages of flow are considered. The analysis of Rollover risk reducing possibility based on the component composition and condition of liquefied natural gas carried out. Also provided recommendations for prevention occurrence of Rollover during and after cargo operations of liquefied natural gas loading, based on the operating characteristics of the floating storage regasification unit. It is shown that during cargo operations it is necessary to carefully monitor the parameters, the fall or increase of which can trigger the automatic loading interruption system, since after its operation it will take time to restore the operation of all associated equipment, during which the pressure in the tank can reach the response pressure safety valves.
MARVS, Floating storage regasification unit, FSRU, liquefied natural gas, LNG, Rollover, LNG carrier, MARVS
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