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Abstract (English):
The article considers computer vision technologies based on deep convolutional neural networks. Application of neural networks is particularly effective for solving difficult formalized problems. As a result convolutional neural network architecture to the problem of recognition and classification of marine objects on images is implemented. In the research process a retrospective analysis of computer vision technologies was performed and a number of problems associated with the use of neural networks were identified: vanishing gradient, overfitting and computational complexity. To solve these problems in neural network architecture development, it was proposed to use RELU activation function, training some randomly selected neurons and normalization for simplification of neural network architecture. Comparison of ReLU, LeakyReLU, Exponential ReLU, and SOFTMAX activation functions used in the neural network implemented in Matlab R2019b.The computer program based on convolutional neural network for marine objects recognition implemented in Visual C# programming language in MS Visual Studio 2019 integrated development environment. The program is designed for automated identification of marine objects, produces detection (i.e., presence of objects on image), and objects recognition with high probability of detection.

deep machine learning, convolutional neural networks, pattern recognition, image processing, computer vision, object tracking systems, activation function
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