Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The operating experience of electronically controlled marine low-speed diesel engines indicates that over time, damage and failure occur due to the natural wear of friction pairs, especially precision ones, in a power hydraulic system. This leads to a decrease in pressure in the system and some gas distribution disturbances, which affects the operational characteristics and a decrease in the efficiency of the MOD operation. The same effect will be more significant for the Wartsila-Sulzer Win GD MOD series, in which the pressure in the power hydraulic system is not 200, but 300 bar. Teaks in such systems with similar wear in friction pairs will be greater. It is difficult to quantify the impact of damage and failure of electronic systems on the technical condition of diesel engines and predict these events, too. If firms give resource values for the main details of the MOD, then for the boards, microcircuits, etc., this information is not available. In addition, in most cases, these products are not firms of diesel builders. Thus, analyzing the condition of electronically controlled diesel engines, it is only possible to recommend methods for restoring worn friction pairs or replacing them, which will facilitate the task of shipowners in maintaining ships with operational characteristics close to nominal.

low-speed diesel engines, electronic control, operation, problems, damage, failures
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6. Hudyakov S.A. Pokazateli nadezhnosti sudovogo malooborotnogo dizelya s elektronnym upravleniem / S.A. Hudyakov, A.B. Ignatenko// Ekspluataciya morskogo transporta,- 2020 - № 1.- S.

7. Hudyakov S.A. Ustalostnaya prochnost' detaley sudovyh tehnicheskih sredstv: monografiya / S.A. Hudyakov, H.A. Taranuha, M.M. Frolov. - Novorossiysk: RIO GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2019. - 196 s. ISBN 978-5-89426-160-7.

8. Hudyakov S.A. Analiz prichin povrezhdeniy i otkazov sudovyh tehnicheskih sredstv: ucheb. posobie / S.A. Hudyakov, A.B. Strutynskiy// - Novorossiysk: GMU im. adm. F.F. Ushakova, 2020. -173 s.

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