Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
There are tasks in which it is necessary to measure the geometric displacements of a moving object relative to a stationary base without contact with high accuracy, taking into account the peculiarities of its size, shape, speed of maneuvering, and speed of movement. For example, high-precision positioning of the ship's hull relative to the berth during mooring and loading and unloading operations. To solve this problem, it is proposed to use a laser-optical measuring device, which is a software and hardware complex that includes a laser range finder, an array of video capture devices with zoom lenses and a microcomputer for primary processing of the measured data. Purpose: determination of requirements for the optical system of the laser-optical measuring device (focal length, angle of view, frame frequency and other parameters of the optical system). Results: the structure of a laser-optical measuring device of geometric displacements of a moving object is proposed. Features of the measuring device are the combined use of a laser rangefinder and an array of video capture devices with zoom lenses with different focal lengths and lens types. The requirements for a laser-optical measuring device have been determined and substantiated by the example of solving the problems of monitoring the mooring operations of sea vessels and control parking at the pier. Practical relevance: the results of the work can be used to create high-precision positioning systems and high-precision guidance systems for various types of transport. Such systems solve the problem of stabilizing the position of moving objects in various transport systems, as well as monitoring the position and, as a consequence, increasing safety. Improving the operational safety of the transport system makes it possible to increase the intensity of the traffic flow and the throughput of the transport system.

laser-optical measuring device, measuring longitudinal, transverse and vertical displacements, monitoring mooring operations, automated mooring
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