Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is dedicated to the issues of improving the technology of manufacturing cylinder sleeve bushings of marine diesel engines by the method of centrifugal casting. This method has, on the one hand, a number of advantages in comparison with casting in a sand mold, and on the other hand, a number of shortcomings that need its improvement. To improve the technology of manufacturing a cylinder sleeve bushing, the author proposes saturating its inner surface with "fullerenes". In addition, the author proposes the design of the installation and the method of diffusion introduction by fullerenes of cylinder bushings, including those of small diameters up to 200 mm. As a result of the application of this technology, it is expected that the wear resistance of the surface of the mirror of the cylinder sleeve will be increased by up to 2.5 times. The predicted fuel consumption in marine internal combustion engines (ICE) using cylinder sleeve bushings manufactured according to the proposed method can be reduced by 7%, and the effective power will increase by 4%.

marine diesel, diesel cylinder bushing, centrifugal casting of the bushing
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