Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Admiral F. F. Ushakov state Maritime UniversityAdmiral F. F. Ushakov state Maritime University The article is devoted to the development of the concept of ecological improvement of ship power plants. In the process of research, the concept is presented as an indivisible triumvirate of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects. The theoretical aspect is focused on international requirements. The methodological foundations are represented by a set of elements focused on improving the environmental friendliness of technical and technological components of the EMS. From the point of view of practice, the features of cleaning exhaust gases due to the unification and intensification of the processes of filtration and cooling of the gas flow by means of interphase contact interaction in a bubbling layer of water are considered, as well as the prospects for using the kite as an additional environmentally friendly engine.

ship, ecology, power plant, cleaning
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