Russian Federation
The article made a study of methods and computer vision algorithms based on deep convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Image processing for the purpose of their recognition is one of the central and practically important tasks in creation of artificial intelligence systems. Face detection and recognition in images is a classic task in computer vision and the most modem trend in intelligent security and access control systems, in user authorization, in organizing video conferencing, in robotics and biometrics. Considered evolution of approaches and algorithms to problems solving of processing, recognition and localization of faces in images using Viola-Jones object detection algorithm, convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Technologies for the restoration of a three-dimensional image of a face from an initial 2D image by neural methods are considered. The results of computer experiments based on a convolutional and recurrent neural network for face detection, age determination, face emotional state and mask detection in real-time video stream are implemented in Matlab R2020a. Practical application of the obtained results can be used in distant education in identifying the personality of cadets and students.
pattern recognition, computer vision, deep machine learning, Viola-Jones object detection, Haar-like features, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, emotional artificial intelligence
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