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Abstract (English):
When developing systems for automatic control of the process of performing a towing operation, one should first of all choose a controlled coordinate and an adjustable parameter by means of which this coordinate will be controlled. Not all coordinates can be controlled, moreover, not all parameters, on which the controllability of the towing system depends, can be adjusted during the towing operation. Nevertheless, it seems possible to regulate such a known parameter as the tension of the towing cable. This, of course, is fraught with certain difficulties, primarily based on the technical capabilities of individual elements of the towing system. For example, such as the pulling power of the towing winch, the breaking force of the towing cable. Any kinematic motion parameter can be taken as a controlled coordinate, but it is necessary to take into account the possibility of measuring this parameter during the towing operation, in this article it is proposed to use the transverse displacement of the extreme aft point of the towed vessel as a controlled coordinate. The results of the simulation of the process of movement of the towed vessel with an adjustable tension of the towing cable convincingly confirm the validity of the choice of the controlled coordinate.

towing, towed vessel, handling, tow rope, tension, simulation, control
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