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Abstract (English):
To clarify the causes of accidents- seizure cylinder-piston group marine diesel 8RND90, was developed and installed on the main engine t/x "Marshal Govorov" full-scale centralized control system (SCCT) temperature, controlling the temperature of the pistons of all 8 cylinders of the engine. The temperature sensors were connected to an electronic movable unit mounted on the piston. When approaching the lower dead center, the movable block interacted with the stationary block located in the subsurface space. In this case, the information signal was transmitted to the stationary unit by a contactless method, and power was supplied to the mobile unit. The use of SCCT during trial operation allowed us to establish the direct cause of seizure cylinder-piston group -a powerful breakthrough of gases from the combustion chamber through the matched locks of the piston rings. The experience of SCCT application has shown high informativeness of engine piston thermal condition monitoring, possibility to prevent accidents of cylinder-piston group with its help, diagnostics of technical condition of pistons, piston rings and cylinder bushings. The prototype of the SCCT was operated on the engine for several years, while the operating time of a number of SCCT units amounted to tens of thousands of hours. In parallel with the temperature control of the pistons, a system for monitoring the temperature of the crosshead bearings of one of the cylinders was implemented. Tests have shown its performance and high reliability. Successful results of tests of means of temperature control of mobile knots of the diesel engine allowed to justify long before appearance of foreign analogs need and to formulate requirements to technical structure of complex system of an assessment of a technical condition of the ship low-speed diesel engine. It uses high-temperature sensors (thermocouples) and provides the possibility of temperature monitoring of pistons, bushings, caps, cylinders, all bearings of the crank mechanism and a number of other parameters. For specialists in the field of automation and diagnostics of marine diesel engines.

marine diesel, piston, temperature control, technical condition monitoring system
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