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Abstract (English):
This article provides an analysis of the technical operation of modem marine high-speed engines on the basis of periodically obtained thermal parameters in operation with the help of standard control units of the company "Caterpillar". Currently, there are no regulatory documents for monitoring the technical condition of marine high-speed four-stroke engines equipped with electronic control units for thermal parameters obtained from portable diagnostic complexes of manufacturers. The article presents a standard service report and provides thermal parameters for 10 years of operation of four-stroke marine engines. According to the results of the analysis, the dependences of the heat engineering parameters with the indication of the malfunctions detected during the operation of the engines are presented. The existing reports of manufacturers, which are automatically generated after measuring the thermal parameters obtained from the diagnostic complex, do not give a clear picture to shipowners about the technical condition of the engine, and to the inspectors of classification societies to make a decision on the permission to extend the operation of the equipment

high-speed engine, report, exhaust gases, boost pressure, sea vessel
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