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Abstract (English):
Based on the data of five expeditions carried on by the Marine Hydrophysical Institute, the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas and the Institute of Natural and Technical Systems (Sevastopol) in 2004-2019, sources, the pathways and structure of the concentration fields of dissolved oil products in bays near the northern coast Heracles Peninsula are analyzed. It is shown that the main sources that pollute the considered water area with dissolved oil products are due to the operation of the oil terminal at Cape Manganari, the Sevastopol Sea fishing port in Kamyshovaya Bay, and with the operation of a small fleet in the Omega Bay. The influence of the oil terminal is traced in the bays of Kazachya, Kamyshovaya, and Abramova.

dissolved oil products, pollution, water structure, currents, Heracles Peninsula, Black Sea
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