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Abstract (English):
This article presents a mathematical model of a towing system (towing vessel-towing cable-towed vessel), which was used to study the directional stability of a towed vessel under wind load conditions. Evaluation of the directional stability of the towed vessel was carried out by the method of numerical simulation at various values of the directional wind angle and its speeds. In addition, the values of the towing speed, the length of the towing cable and its tension were varied using a towing winch installed on the towing vessel within the values of its pulling forces. The study of directional stability of the towed vessel was carried out using linear analysis, for a given direction of movement of the towing vessel. The dynamic properties of the towing vessel were not considered in the presented model of the towing system movement. A tow rope is considered as a rigid rod of a given length, pivotally attached to the towing and towing vessel. The results of simulations of the towing system movement under wind load conditions revealed the most dangerous combinations of the following factors from the point of view of the safety of the towing operation: wind speed and direction, towing speed, tow rope length and tension. Simulation of the towing system movement under wind load conditions allows not only to assess the directional stability of the towed vessel, but also to assess the probability of the towing rope breaking in case of its excessive oscillatory movements caused by wind action.

towing, towed vessel, controllability, wind load
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