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Abstract (English):
The most perfect and universal method of forming regular microreliefs is currently developed by Professor LITMO Yu. The method of vibration rolling, based on the thin plastic deformation of the surface layers of the metal and the complex relative movement of the treated surface and the deforming element. Vibration rolling to restore the dimensions of the parts is carried out due to the formation of indentations squeezed out of the grooves when creating a system of grooves. In this case, the main indicator of the process will be the change in size while maintaining the original accuracy. The nomenclature of parameters and characteristics of partially regular microreliefs includes the relative area occupied by regular irregularities-БН. The PH parameter is expressed as a percentage of the area occupied by regularly spaced irregularities to the area of the surface to be treated. If the PH parameter is determined on a site of size T * 2 A within the boundaries of a microrelief element at different values of the axial pitch of regular irregularities, then there may be cases of an ambiguous description of the microgeometry of a partially regular microrelief. To avoid these cases, it is necessary to observe the multiplicity of the ratio of the amplitude A and the axial step S. S= 2А/ к, к = 1,2,..., [A-r]

restoration of the dimensions of worn parts, plastic deformation, vibration rolling method
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