Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the processes of digitalization of sea cargo terminals, studies the projects of foreign ports Rotterdam, Hamburg, Xiamen. The general trend in the seaport industry towards digitalization of transshipment, warehouse, transport operations, as well as terminal automation and remote operation management has been identified. Attention is drawn to the fact that there are separate attempts to digitalize the activity of terminals in Russian ports, but mainly in the field of TOS systems for container terminals or in the field of introducing electronic document management. This progress is not enough to achieve a competitive state, especially for foreign ports. The article offers a generalized plan for the digitalization of the port, which includes the preparation of an intelligent infrastructure, the creation of an information layer of data and the development of software and hardware complexes for terminal management, based on IoT devices, artificial intelligence technologies and other "smart" technologies. The transformation of Russian ports will create a new level of service in transport services, which will give an impetus to the development of regional transport chains.

Digitalization, seaport, "digital breakthrough"
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