Current trends and prospects for the development by inland waterways, especially in relation to the concept of an autonomous vessel and unmanned navigation, as well as the implementation of promising requirements of international maritime legislation on the prevention of atmospheric pollution from ships are an important factor in the development of modem society. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies (in their various manifestations) are now implemented in almost all transport industries, with the exception of sea and river transport. The culmination of scientific achievements about the current state of control objects (in terms of monitoring, control and diagnostics of technical condition) consists of telematics (telecommunications and information) supported transport systems-intelligent transport systems (ITS). Telematics systems contribute to the improvement of traffic flow, traffic safety, efficiency of transport use, environmental protection and the economic component of business. Provision of remote control of ship technical means of an autonomous vessel, control of process parameters and assessment of their technical condition using artificial intelligence (artificial neuro-fuzzy networks). Creation of digital doubles and forecasting of the technical condition, modeling of scenarios during the life cycle of ship technical means. With the introduction of telematics systems with two-way data exchange, significant improvements will be achieved in transport flows and, accordingly, increased safety and reduced environmental burden.
inland waterway vessels, energy efficiency, unmanned navigation, integrated control systems, digital twins
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