This article is devoted to the main trends in the development of digitalization in transport logistics and the introduction of modem software. The purpose of the article is to review and analyze the effectiveness of both already implemented technologies and those that are being implemented at the moment. The article summarizes the main existing trends in digitalization and changes in the main processes due to the introduction of new software. Theoretical and practical effectiveness of using modem technologies in logistics companies is discussed. The current state and trends of digitalization processes in logistics are analyzed. The results of a survey of companies and further forecasts on the implementation of digital directions and their impact on the transport and logistics industry. The experience in domestic and foreign companies is investigated. The results show the great feasibility of the development of digital technologies. The authors conclude that digitalization is necessary for all logistics companies.
Digitalization, logistics, Big Data, cloud technology, Internet of Tilings, Blockchain, Glonass, ro-botization of business processes
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