The article deals with marine high-speed propulsion engines of propulsion systems of marine vessels. Currently, Classification societies and manufacturers of marine engines pay great attention to the vibration standards of both the engines themselves and their drive equipment. Monitoring of the technical condition of the engines by vibration parameters in operation allows you to identify both at an early stage and already formed malfunctions of the elements and the engine itself as a whole. For example, the identification and development (spread) of a poor-quality fuel combustion process, balancing of the engine and attached (drive) equipment, malfunctions of the crankshaft sliding bearings, loss of structural rigidity, the integrity of the engine supports and the torsional vibration damper, etc. In this regard, the normalization of the values of various vibration parameters of modern marine high-speed engines in operation is an urgent task. The paper analyzes the criteria for evaluating vibration parameters and values in accordance with the normative documents of international standards, Classification societies and manufacturers of marine high-speed engines.
electrical machines, control, vibration parameters, diagnostics, bearing assemblies, manufacturers, standards, Classification societies
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