3-D technologies (including digital scanning, 3-D modeling and various digital technologies for layer-by-layer synthesis of objects) are one of the fastest growing areas of digitalization of technological processes in various fields, including economically and technically promising for optimizing the operation cycle. Digital technologies based on computer models are of priority importance in the study of topical issues of operation of the components of the ship's power plant and the power plant as a whole. These technologies make it possible to significantly reduce material costs both in the production of SPP elements due to the smaller amount of materials and techno logical processes used during manufacture, and during their operation due to the use of innovations, including for the purpose of unification of ship equipment. Hiere is a tendency - in the world and in Russia there is a lack of qualified specialists in this field, which, in turn, hinders the development of these technologies. In the presented work, the main advantages of introducing training in 3-D technologies into the educational process of maritime universities are considered.
3-D technologies, 3-D modeling, innovative technologies, digitalization, three-dimensional models, hardware and software
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