The article presents the results of a study on the use of the ionogenic flocculants Praestol 852, Praestol 853 and Praestol 2540, which are used for intensification of bilge water flotation treatment process, is considered in the article. The use of these flocculants makes it possible to avoid the negative consequences associated with the use of mineral coagulants. On experimental equipment by the test coagulation method, it was found that the cationic flocculant Praestol 853 provides the greatest purification efficiency, its dose is determined, at which the best purification results are achieved. Also the study of disperse composition of pollution before and after introduction of flocculant Praestol 853 was conducted and the conclusion was made that the selected flocculant fully extracts medium- and coarse-dispersed oil particles.
reagent treatment, bilge water, flocculants, dispersion of pollutants
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