Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The alarm system presented in the article is designed to perform local tasks of monitoring in real time the parameters coming from the sensors by processing in a single-chip microcontroller with the subsequent formation of alarm and warning signals. The system allows you to monitor temperature and humidity, pressure, as well as the probability of gas contamination. The algorithm given in the article is focused on the use of a certain type of microcontrollers that have an analog-to-digital converter on the chip, as well as an additional function that allows the transmission of a radio signal. The developed system was programmatically debugged in the Proteus8 circuit modeling environment. The article presents a schematic diagram, the appearance of a simulated printed circuit board and its 3D image. The intended use of the developed device as an autonomous alarm system is determined by the need to control the specified parameters and the functions of the sensors used.

Circuit design, singlechip microcontroller, sensors, data processing algorithm, emergency radio signal
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