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Abstract (English):
The growth and development of the fleet have a negative impact on the global environmental situation, and in order to reduce harmful emissions, the International Maritime Organization had made a decision according to which, from January 1, 2020, all maritime transport switched to low-sulphur fuel. The exceptions were ships equipped with systems for cleaning the exhaust gases of ship power plants from chemical compounds (NOx, SOx, soot, CO), as well as research ships engaged in the development of ship exhaust gas cleaning systems. This article discusses various methods for cleaning exhaust gases from harmful substances used on ships and shore enterprises - a scrubber, a catalytic filter and an electrostatic filter. There are the design features, advantages, disadvantages and cleaning capacity of each unit below. The purpose of this work is to consider the prospects for the introduction of electrostatic filters on marine vessels. Calculations of harmful substances amount were made from the ship m/v "Khord", as well as the calculation of the amount of harmful substances neutralized by the types of treatment plants. The comparative analysis demonstrates a visual comparison and helps to draw conclusions regarding the further use of the scrubber and catalytic filter on ships. The conclusion of this research work is the focus on the integration of electrostatic filters in the exhaust gas purification system.

electrostatic filter, exhaust gas, exhaust gas treatment, scrubber, environmental protection, marine power plants
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