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Abstract (English):
The article provides a diagram of an experimental installation that allows you to study the thermal conductivity of electrolytes in the range of temperatures up to 523 ° К and pressure up to 100 MPa. The peculiarity of the design of the hydraulic press is that the dimensions of the plunger pair make it possible to create the necessary pressure in the autoclave at any temperature from 293 oK to 523 oK, without additional supply of the test solution to the pressure generation system. The material, from which the press body and plunger steam are made, eliminates the occurrence of corrosion when they interact with bi-nar and mixed solutions of electrolytes. Scientific interest lies in the verification of the physical picture and the numerical results of calculating the temperature field along the length of the measuring cell. The simulation results are presented, from which it follows that the maximum distortions fall on the area of the end ends of the inner cylinder.

measuring cell experimental installation, thermal conductivity of electrolytes
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