This article is aimed at a comparative analysis of LNG and MDF as a marine fuel in terms of their impact on the environment. A bulk carrier with a deadweight of 50000 is given as the object of study. The cycle of each type of fuel was distributed in three stages: Well-to-Tank (WtT), Tank-to-Wake (TtW) and Well-to-Wake(WtW). In process modeling, the effect of each stage was analyzed based on 5 environmental impact categories. Global Warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP), Photochemical Potential (POCP), Eutrophication Potential (EP) and Particulate Matter (PM). The results of the analysis showed that the emission levels for LNG were significantly lower than for MDO in all categories. For example, option 1 was the best with the lowest emission levels per 1.0 * 107 MJ of fuel consumption: 977 tons CO2eq (for GWP), 1.76 tons S02eq (for AP), 1.18 tons Neq (for EP), 4.28 tons NMVOC equivalent (for POCP) and 26 kg PM 2.5 equivalent (PM). The conclusion of this scientific article is the deduction about the advantages of LNG in terms of environmental impact over MDO.
LNG, MDO, marine oil, ships operating with LNG, IMO, Emissions
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