One of the main activities of any shipping comp any operating in the field of tramp shippingis the operation of shipsfor the carriage of goods. When concluding an agreement (charter-party) for the carriage of goods with cargo owners during voyage chartering, the ship owner is guided by the main goal - making a profit, which just ensures the economic efficiency of voyages and is the key to his «survival» in the maritime transport services market. The performance of a voyage under each specific charter is characterized by certain expenses of the shipowner, which, together with income received in the form of freight, are the basis for determining the effectiveness of the voyage. Accordingly, the possibility ofa clear and adequate assessment of the amount of costs is extremely important for the shipowner. The authors of this article give theprocedure for determining the shipowner's voyage costs associated with the performance of the voyage of a vessel chartered on the terms of a voyage charter, illustrate the dependence of the shipowner's voyage expenses on the technical and operational characteristics of the vessel. To assess the effectiveness of the voyage, the authors propose to use the specific voyage costs of the shipowner per 1 deadweight ton.
tramp shipping, shipowner, ship's voyage, efficiency, chartering per voyage, ship's deadweight, stocks per bunker, operating and maintenance costs, time charter equivalent
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