Tо date, issues related to solving problems in ship power sy stems are being updated. One of the main issues is the quality of electricity and electromagnetic compatibility of technical fleet facilities. The relevance of this research is also due to the presence of significant phy sical wear and tear at the facilities of the technical fleet. Within the framework of the presented article, attention is focused on improving the quality of electricity and optimizing the power supply of models of ship electric power systems through the optimization of control algorithms. Thus, the main purpose of this work is to study the relevance of the modernization of existing models of ship electric power sy stems by optimizing control algorithms. The paperuses theoretical and empirical research methods, the author uses scientific materials of foreign and domestic authorship. The predominant part of the work is devoted to the study of the issue of improving the reliability of electrical power systems through mathematical modeling and assurance. The author also analyzes the algorithm for applying the complex approach to the analysis of systems, the algorithm for determining the main selection of the system, the algorithm for clarifying the structure and functionality of the sy stem and the algorithm for optimizing the mapping of the parameters of the objects of the sy stem.
electric power systems, ship, modeling, algorithm, control, electrical equipment
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