Maritime transport is one of the most important components of social and economic development, absorbing a significant amount of resources and having a serious impact on the natural environment. The importance of solving the problems of protecting the atmosphere from harmful emissions from marine vessels is determined by the fact that pollution from marine diesel engines and boilers makes up the most significant share of all types of transport. Reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases (EG) of marine internal combustion engines is a complex scientific and technical problem. The need to solve it is dictated by regulatory and legislative requirements, which are becoming increasingly stringent. Thearticle deals with the problem of reducing and the effectiveness of methods for cleaning combustion products. The main modem methods of reducing the toxicity of exhaust gases of ship power plants are given. The effectiveness of the main methods of cleaning the exhaust gases of ship power plants is analyzed with an assessment of the prevented environmental damage, and the most promising methods are identified.
marine vessels, emissions, sulfur oxide, cleaning methods, exhaust gpses, environmental friendliness
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