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Abstract (English):
Currently, the use of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) signals stimulates the intensive growth of applications for their use, due to the fact that GNSS signals are publicly available almost any where on the surface of the Earth. There are a number of well-known GNSS, the task of which is to form the radio navigation field of satellite signals on the earth's surface. The article considers the main approaches to the study of power circuits for antenna sy stems of circular polarization of the global navigation satellite sy stem. The influence of the number of excitation points of a two-layer printed antenna for creating circular polarization on the amplitude, phase and polarization characteristics of directivity has been studied. A simulation of a small-sized three-point power supply circuit for a circularly polarized antenna of a global navigqtion satellite system has been carried out. The subject of research in the article is methods for obtaining the electrodynamic characteristics of antennas necessary for high-precision positioning in non-request measuring systems. The goal is to analyze the parameters of multifrequency and broadband antenna elements of circular polarization with multipoint excitation and their power supply circuits.

antenna, circular polarization, phase shifter, planar broadband power supply circuit, circuit design
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