The simulation of the working processes of the marine diesel engine MAN D&T MC series was carried out in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions with exhaust gases. The purpose of the simulation was to find design and operational solutions that affect C02 emissions. When performing a computational study, a mathematical model of a combined internal combustion engine implemented in the DIESEL-RK computer program was used. The studied variables are the compression ratio, the advance angle and the duration of fuel injection, the values of which can be set without making significant changes to the engine design. A mathematical model has been obtained in the form of a regression equation that describes the influence of the studied parameters on the specific emission of carbon dioxide. To determine the coefficients of the regression equation, the planning of a factorial experiment of the second order is implemented. Using the obtained mathematical model, multi-parameter optimization of the values of the studied parameters for C02 emissions with exhaust gases can be performed. The possibility of using the obtained mathematical model to reduce the specific emissions of carbon dioxide with the exhaust gases of a marine diesel engine by 32% by choosing the optimal value of the compression ratio is shown.
marine diesel engine, exhaust gases, carbon dioxide, decarbonization, fuel supply parameters, mathematical model
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