The article examines application of special design asynchronous motor for the ship ventilation system. It is described possible motor construction. And it is the main advantages of application of special design asynchronous motor compared to the conventional electric motor. These include multifunctionality, improved power characteristics and optimum weight and size properties. It is also tasked to develop mathematical model by means of the mathematical theory methods of experiment planning. The presented method allows to substituted complex description for a simple polynomial model. The derivation of an equation plane of special design asynchronous motor current and electromagnetic torque developed. It is planned to use modem PC modeling methods to solve problem of general features dependencies comparison with parameters. It is also noticed that it is important to developed engineering method of special design asynchronous motor calculating. It is formed a possibility to construct functional motor model for reasons given.
asynchronous electric motor, ventilation system, ship ventilation, mathematical model, experiment planning, modeling, engineering method
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