In the modern world, the problem of environmental pollution with various toxic emissions is growing more and more. Exhaust or exhaust gases of internal combustion engines are one of those man-made factors. All countries impose restrictions on the concentration of hazardous substances, for example: Euro - for cars, Tier and Stage - for heavy equipment and MARPOL-73/78, which regulates emissions from maritime transport. The situation is extremely acute for marine vessels, since engines of impressive power that operate for a long period are difficult to adapt to stringent environmental requirements. The purpose of the article, based on open sources, is to evaluate the prospects for the development of internal combustion engines with an exhaust gas recirculation system to minimize the amount of toxic emissions into the atmosphere. The development of technologies that allow for the recirculation of exhaust gases in ship conditions is quite promising. The installation of such equipment will significantly reduce emissions into the environment. Keywords: environment, exhaust gases, toxic emissions, internal combustion engines
environment, exhaust gases, toxic emissions, internal combustion engines
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