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Abstract (English):
To clean the exhaust gases of engines from carbon, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, a method and device are proposed, the principle of which is based on the fact that the exhaust gases pass through an absorber, where they are cleaned of nitrogen and sulfur oxides, and then through adsorption sections filled with granules of slag pumice and are purified from carbon oxides as a result of their adsorption. Carbon dioxide, interacting with water particles in the pores of the granules, forms carbonic acid. Then the diluted carbonic acid condensate after cleaning in the separator from solid impurities is discharged overboard. The composition of a shipboard system for continuous laser monitoring and control of emissions of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur oxides contained in the exhaust gases of engines by adjusting their adjustment parameters, as well as using a device for complex exhaust gas purification, is proposed. An algorithm for solving the problem of fulfilling the requirements of regulation 20 "Achievable EEDI" of Appendix VI of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention on carbon oxide emissions has been developed. The implementation of the proposed algorithm is possible using a system for cleaning combustion products from harmful oxides

engine, exhaust gases, oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur, complex cleaning device, ship system
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