Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The simulation of the working processes of the MAN D&T MC series marine diesel engine was carried out in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions with exhaust gases. The purpose of the simulation was to find design and operational solutions that affect CO2 emissions. When performing a computational study, a mathematical model of a combined internal combustion engine implemented in the DIESEL-RK computer program was used. The studied variables are the compression ratio, the advance angle and the duration of fuel injection, the values of which can be set without making significant changes to the engine design. Mathematical models are obtained in the form of regression equations that describe the effect of the studied fuel supply parameters (compression ratio, fuel injection advance angle and fuel injection duration) on the target functions - specific carbon dioxide emission and effective power of the 6S60MC diesel engine. To determine the coefficients of the regression equation, planning of a complete factorial experiment of the second order is implemented. In order to find the minimum value of carbon dioxide emissions using the generalized reduced gradient method, the problem of choosing the optimal values of the compression ratio, fuel injection duration and fuel injection advance angle for a given effective power of a 6S60MC marine diesel engine is solved. It is shown that, for example, with an engine power of 10,000 kW, the reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by optimizing the specified fuel supply parameters will be 7.37%

marine diesel engine, exhaust gases, carbon dioxide, decarbonization, fuel supply and combustion parameters, optimization
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