UDK 629.5.053 Специальные системы управления особыми типами судов
Application for creating optimum passage routes in areas with difficult navigational conditions such as: ice, shallow waters, precipitations, wind etc. has been pointed out. The necessity of urgent processing large volume of preliminary and measured navigational, hydrographic and hydrometeorological information while sailing in restricted areas has been shown. The possibility of using neuronets has been also indicated. The quantity of parameters, required for achievement of fixed accuracy when analyzing situation has been determined. The article discusses requirements for neuronet surface training. The necessity of preliminary location of existing optimumroute for reducing quantity of analytical neuronet procedures has been shown. The method of locating the region of existing optimum route by means of graphs has been suggested
route, extreme navigation, restricted factors, situation, neuronet, maritime territorial activity, arti-ficial neuronet, graph models
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