UDK 621.43.068.4 Очистка отработавших газов
The composition of the exhaust gases of marine diesel engines should be recognized as the main and most objective criterion for the environmental safety of marine power plants. Requirements for the composition of exhaust gases of engines, and the procedure for determining the regulated indicators are established by various regulatory documents, which indicate only the principle underlying the operation of the device. Most regulatory documents do not take into account the capabilities of modern devices and design features of ship power plants. The analysis of exhaust gases determines the content of toxic substances and particulate matter, for which devices called gas analyzers and smoke meters are used. The operating principles of modern instruments are described, their capabilities and metrological characteristics are presented, and the prospects for using such instruments on sea and river vessels are assessed. Proposed measures, the implementation of which will im-prove the quality of emission control of marine diesel engines and will contribute to the improvement of the technical operation of the fleet
diesel engine, exhaust gases, toxicity, smoke, gas analyzers, smoke meters, exhaust systems
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