Using propulsion forces, ships are able to maneuver themselves in the water. Initially, although there was a limited number of ship propulsion systems, in the present era there is a wide range of such systems that a ship can be equipped with. Today, ship propulsion is not just about successfully moving the ship through the water. It also includes using the best mode of propulsion to ensure a better safety standard for the marine ecosystem along with cost efficiency. Although there are many ways to propel ships in the maritime industry, internal combustion engines remain the most commonly used means. There are a variety of manufacturers of such two- and four-stroke engines on the world market. Compared to four-strokes, two-strokes have a higher torque, which is why they are preferred for transoceanic ships
EEDI, indicator, efficiency, engine
2. ADRIAN GÎRBĂ, DANIEL MĂRĂȘESCU, VA-SILE FLORIN, Considerații privind utilizarea in-stalației de propulsie cu cicluri combinate CODAG, Editura Academiei Navale “Mircea cel Bătrân”, Constanţa, 2013
3. Different types of marine propulsion (accessed Feb. 20, 2022).
4. EEDI and CO2 emission (accessed Feb. 20, 2022).
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6. Tien Anh Tran, Calculation and Assessing the EEDI Index in the Field of Ship Energy Efficiency, Galgotias University, 2016.
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8. Study of the Influence of the Physical Environment on the Design and Operational Indices of Energy Efficiency EEDI and EEOI, Jan. 20, 2021.