Turkin Vladimir Antonovich

Academic degree
doctor of technical sciences
Science rang
  1. FGBOU VO "GMU imeni admirala F.F. Ushakova" , Professor kafedry ,
  • Journal "Operation of Maritime Transport" — member of the editorial board, employee
Scientific interests
Author of more than 84 scientific publications, including more than 44 scientific publications in publications included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of candidate of sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences should be published.Author of more than 10 scientific publications in publications included in one of the international abstract databases and citation systems of Webofscience, Scopus.The directions in which scientific research is conducted are: development of technology to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides into the air, development of a system for laser remote sensing of the concentration of pollutants in the emissions of marine power equipment; development of a marine lidar station for monitoring the exhaust gases of marine power plants; development of a technology for cleaning ballast water on shore facilities; assessment of the risk of accidents and safety of operation of marine and river transport facilities.


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